Gentle, powerful and long-lasting relief, Fascial Counterstrain changes lives, not just symptoms.

Fascial Counterstrain


What is Fascial Counterstrain?

Fascial Counterstrain (FCS) is a therapeutic, hands-on method, designed to release spasm in all tissues of the human body. Every organ, nerve, artery, muscle, ligament, tendon, vein and lymphatic vessel in the human body can actively spasm and produce pain in a natural, protective response to injury. Once this reflex spasm is triggered it can persist, spread & form hundreds of tender points. FCS works to release the tissue in spasm and the corresponding tender point by gently unloading the injured structure.

Gentle body positioning and compression or shortening of the strained structure works to effect a therapeutic release. By positioning the body against the strain or by applying a “counterstrain,” the structure quickly relaxes, inflammation is drained from the structure, thus reducing tension and immediately alleviating this primary source of pain. The elimination of this strain is quickly verified by simply checking the point, which is frequently no longer tender.


Brian Tuckey

Originator of the technique

Click here for interview series

Hear more about Counterstrain.

The Little-Known Physical Therapy Method That Can Stop Injuries In Their Tracks, Fix Fascia & Amplify Your Recovery & Performance: Counterstrain With Tim Hodges

Click here: Podcast with Ben Greenfield

Tony Robbins, #1 New York Times Best Selling Author, Life And Business Strategist

“Imagine your entire body being out of pain. Imagine being able to perform at your best. And the method to get there is painless! I found Counterstrain to be one of the most valuable tools for immediate change in the body.”

Click here: Video testimonial with Tony Robbins

Click here: Counterstrain featured in Life Force, by Tony Robbins

The Counterstrain Movement

Click here: The Counterstrain Movement podcast

Fascial Counterstrain treatment demonstration with Tim Hodges treating Ben Greenfield. Click here

Fascial Counterstrain 101. In this information session, Brian Tuckey, PT, OCS, JSCCI, and Kyle Kusunose, PT, DPT, JSCCI, discuss the most gentle and effective manual therapy technique that exists today.

2023: Click here

2024: Click here

Hear how Fascial Counterstrain is helping heal from trauma.

Click here: The Bridge Back Project

Strain Counterstrain: Where it all began.

Dr. Lawrence H. Jones, DO was an osteopathic physician who developed Strain Counterstrain in 1955, while practicing in the small town of Ontario, Oregon. Early in his career, he utilized primarily high velocity manipulation techniques for the correction of joint problems. He admitted that while he could successfully treat about two-thirds of his patients, he could, and should, do better. In the below video, hear about his initial discovery that lead to the development of the original form of Counterstrain, called Strain Counterstrain.

See How it Works